Converting relative velocities

If vXY represents the velocity of X with respect to Y, then


In other words, we can eliminate the B and go straight from A to C, provided we know the velocity of B relative to C. Sometimes you will have to rearrange this equation to solve for a different velocity—that’s about as complicated as these problems get.


An airplane has a heading of 245 km/h [N 17º E], and the wind is coming from [S 35º W] at 89.0 km/h. What is the course?

First, we need to familiarize ourselves with airplane terminology:

heading (vPA)
velocity of the plane with respect to the air
wind (vAE)
velocity of the air with respect to the Earth
course/groundspeed (vPE)
velocity of the plane with respect to the Earth

The velocity of the wind is a vector pointing in the direction in which it is going. Since the wind is coming from [S 35º W], it is going to [N 35º E].

Since vPE=vPA+vAE, the course is

245 km/h [N 17º E]+89.0 km/h [N 35º E]=331 km/h [N 22º E].