Scalar multiplication

Scalar multiplication means multiplying a vector by a scalar. To do this, we simply put a scalar coefficient in front of the vector, like 2v. In general, when we have two vectors u and v such that


we say that u and v are scalar multiples of each other. They will always be parallel to each other—if k is positive, they will have the same direction; if k is negative, they will have opposite directions. Unless k=1, they will have different magnitudes. If k=2, then u will be twice as long as v.

Here are a few examples of scalar multiplication:

A few scalar multiples of vector u: 1, 2, −1, 0.5, and −1.5

Scalar multiplication is distributive, meaning

k(u+v)=ku+kv and (a+b)u=au+bu,

and it is also associative:


Like with addition, there is an identity for this operation as well: the multiplicative identity. This is just the scalar 1, because 1u=u.

A unit vector is a vector whose magnitude is one. We can use scalar multiplication to normalize any vector (turn it into a unit vector) like so:


All we have to do is divide by the vector’s magnitude (multiply by the reciprocal). This will give us a vector of length one that still points in the original direction. Normalizing u gives us u^ (the hat denotes a unit vector).